Krono Original

Muhlbacher Strasse 1
Lampertswalde / Dresden
Tel: +49 3522 33-30
Fax: +49 3522 33-333
E-mail: [email protected]

Laminate flooring and panelling concepts

Kronoflooring Lampertswalde is considered to be one of the world’s leading manufacturers of quality laminate flooring and panelling. Our company is well represented throughout DIY stores, the specialist flooring trade and in specialty flooring stores with our wide-array of wood-based products for floors, ceilings, and walls. Through our many years of experience and extensive technical know-how, we’ve been able to deliver high-quality products in over 80 countries worldwide. Krono Original® is proud to be an innovative company, constantly working to develop new technology.

Much has happened since the first laminate flooring was introduced to market in Sweden at the end of the 1980s. Today we have modern products that are all available in numerous varieties of design and composites, offering customers who use Krono Original® laminate flooring a product that is anti-static, sound insulated, and easy to clean.

The creativity of our designers and decor printers knows no boundaries: our flooring comes not only in classical wood and stone decors, but also in trendy retro-colours and patterns. Designers, printers, and water-proofers all work together from early on in each project and Krono Original® constantly encourages them to try out new ideas.

It is because of our core values that we are consistently named as a trendsetter in the laminate flooring business and can therefore offer our customers top-quality products, both tried-and-tested and newly developed. With our in-house “Krono Original” brand and our outstanding and extensive customer service, we aim to maintain a reliable and competent partnership with our customers well into the future.

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admin :: 2014-02-04 ::


Владимир :: 2018-06-09 ::

купили в магазине ламинат дуб высокогорный, №0709RF., 26 кв.м с разным рисунком и контрастным оттенком, как нам поступит?

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